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Intaglio Etching


Created in an undergraduate etching class, these prints were inspired by the work of artists who created in the intaglio etching medium. Copyright 1977.


Garden for Goya was inspired by Goya's etching series. The imagery was also inspired by an exhibit at the Field Museum in Chicago, depicting the survelliance capabilities of satelites, which showed a photo of a fly taken from space. 


Pharaoh's Cafe was inspired by jazz, the Modernist art movement, as well as the African Art history class I was taking at the time. 

Intaglio Etching Monoprinting


Created in a graduate printmaking course taught by David Driesbach at Northern Illinois University, I was experimenting with generating imagery out of random marks on the printing plate as I built up layers of the images. 


The intaglio printing process involves building up an image from multiple etchings in acid. Generally, one checks each etching layer with a print of that part of the process. In creating previous prints, I had a final drawing and developed the print to be the image which was in the drawing. In these prints, I did not have a final image but developed the image as a part of the printing process.


A monoprint is a print which is one of a kind. These were created by adding color to the plate in layers. I created several prints from each plate but each print has its own unique color composition.


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